Cleaning Tips: Bid Goodbye to Red Wine Stains

Cleaning Tips: Bid Goodbye to Red Wine Stains

Imagine when you invite guests at your place for a small get together, and someone spills red wine on your carpet. This could be a tough situation as red wine stains on anything can be tricky to remove, but it can be worse to deal with if the red wine stains are on carpet. The situations can even turn scarier if the carpet is light coloured. Resisting from red wine because of the fear of stains can be a difficult option because we all know red wine is a delicious way to unwind and relax. Here are some tips to keep in mind, when an unexpected spill occurs.

Baking Soda Method

You need to use a clean white cloth or a paper towel to blot up the excess red wine as much as possible. Rotate the cloth while blotting to use fresh spot every time. After you are done with blotting, pour cold water onto the stain. Make a solution of three parts baking soda and one part water cover the entire stain. After letting the solution dry, run the vacuum over the stain to remove any excess remains.

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Vinegar & Soap

The step of blotting the stain with a clean white cloth from the first step needs to be repeated as soon as possible. Further, make a mixture of one tablespoon white vinegar and one tablespoon dish-washing liquid. Cover the stain with the mixture until you can no longer see red using sponge. You can also use this method when trying to remove the wine stains from clothing. Vinegar helps in neutralizing any red or purple pigments. Thus, this can be a good method to lift the wine stains from your carpet.

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Use of White Wine

This may seem like a counter intuitive but fighting wine with wine can help you in removing the disturbing red wine stains on your carpet. As white wine’s cleansing power is strong pouring a little of it on the red wine stain can help you in removing them. If you don’t have it at home, you can use vodka as a substitute. Next, gently blot the stain using clean damp cloth. After most of the red wine is removed, clean that area by using some mild detergent using a blotting method. Keep in mind to use a new damp cloth to blot and remove the remaining residue. Using the vacuum blow dry the carpet with cool air, and with the help of brush lift up the wet and flattened carpet.

Call a Professional

When it comes to removing the red wine stains from the carpet, it’s suggested to call the professional cleaning service because of different flooring and different red wine stains. Professional cleaning services have access to various methods of removing red wine stains from the carpet that are especially useful – steamers, exotic cleansing agents, and more. If the above methods didn’t work for you then it’s the time to call the professional.

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How to remove wine stains from carpet is the entire job description of a professional carpet cleaner, hire someone as soon as possible if your carpet is in awful condition, and don’t just rely on home remedies. It’s very difficult when it comes to deal with red wine stains. So remember to consult with a professional if you have a wispy carpet or very harsh stain or you want to remove the red wine stains from the carpet after it has dried. Professionals will be able to deal with those red wine stains after quickly understanding your situation.

For a clean and healthy home, Call Southern Carpet Cleaning on PH 1300-745-711 We provide our fabric protection and carpet cleaning services in Picton, Campbelltown, Bowral, Bundanoon, Wollongong, Mossvale, Camden, Thirlmere, Tahmoor. Southern highlands and Suburb of Wilton area of Outer South Western Sydney, New South Wales.

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