Cleaning Tips: How to Remove Sauce Stain from Carpet

Cleaning Tips: How to Remove Sauce Stain from Carpet

If you have children at your place, you can relate to this problem because you must have probably seen at least one incident of flying spaghetti or pizza. But it is not only about the kids, sometimes the mature adult’s drop food items covered in sauce straight on the carpet. We know we can’t resist our self from tomato sauce or any other type of sauce, as everyone across the planet loves sauces and dips with savoury snacks and mouth-watering food. Delicious sauce is gladly accepted and cherished by everyone on a regular basis. But just like wine and grape juice, sauce especially tomato sauce is known to be most daunting carpet stains but is doesn’t have to be that way.

Read: Cleaning Tips : How To Remove Red Wine Stains from Carpet

To learn how to remove a tomato sauce stain from carpet you need to keep two important things in mind: act fast and soak up. The sauce is a sticky affair and it sticks to the carpet fibres if kept for a longer period. So it’s suggested to act fast in that situation and blot it (don’t rub).

Here are some steps you should follow to remove a tomato sauce or any sauce stain from carpet

  1. The first step will be removing the excess sauce. Spoon or knife can help you in this or whichever utensil you prefer to scrape off the extra sauce. In order to prevent the stain from spreading out further start with the outer edges and work your way in.
  2. Apply club soda or cold water to the stain. To avoid soaking the carpet, you can sprinkle on a little or use a clean sponge. With a damp sponge, absorb as much of the stain as possible. After absorbing the stain, use a dry paper towel to soak up and dry the area.
  3. Take a tablespoon of liquid dish detergent with two cups of cool water and mix it up well. With a clean sponge or cloth, blot and mildly stroke the stain with the detergent solution. When you are done, rinse it with cold water.
  4. If you can still see the stain then, mix 1 tablespoon of ammonia with a half cup of cool water but while using ammonia you need to be careful to use gloves. Although it is suggested to add chlorine bleach by many online DIY tutorials, you must never mix it with chlorine bleach. As bleach can darken colours, it’s suggested you conduct a test patch before applying any type of bleach to your carpet.
  5. After the ammonia solution, if the stain isn’t gone then you will have to create a hydrogen peroxide mixture. To make hydrogen peroxide mixture, you need 1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide and 3 tablespoons cold water. While using hydrogen peroxide, you need to be careful. You must always wear gloves. It’s recommended to apply a patch before applying to your carpet because it can bleach darker colours. Cover with a towel to block out all light, after applying the mixture and allow the mixture to sit for 30 minutes. Make sure you check it in every 5 minutes or so, to be sure the colour of the carpet isn’t changing. When you are done, rinse with cold water and absorb the excess liquid.

Read: Cleaning Tips : Keep Your Carpets Safe from Attack of Food Colouring

These are some of the simple methods to remove tomato sauce from carpet but you need be very careful while using these tips. Carpets are made of different material and they also come with unique cleaning instructions. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia might damage your carpet. You must be cautious before using any DIY methods.

A logical choice will be to do the initial damage control and then call a professional carpet cleaner. A professional is well experienced in handling such stains. They understand different types of carpets and the right procedure to clean it. A professional cleaning service will also help you to maintain the beauty of the carpet.

For a clean and healthy home, Call Southern Carpet Cleaning on PH 1300-745-711 We provide our fabric protection and carpet cleaning services in Picton, Campbelltown, Bowral, Bundanoon, Wollongong, Mossvale, Camden, Thirlmere, Tahmoor. Southern highlands and Suburb of Wilton area of Outer South Western Sydney, New South Wales.

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