We all are aware of doing a spring clean, but have you ever done autumn clean? With a drop in temperature, our home fabrics can be a shelter for the bacteria, dust, mites, and moulds that thrive in our warm winter environments, and it takes a few easy steps to assist to boost healthy winter...
Tag: <span>Cleaning Tips</span>
Tips to Clean Juice Stains from Carpet
Juice stains are a common problem which you have faced, especially when there are small children in the house. With the proper cleaning solution, you can remove the stains and restore your beautiful carpet. When juice spills on the carpet, you need to be quick to act on the stain right away. If you clean...
How to Remove Dried Wine Stains from Carpet
When we talk about the stains, they are the part of life, but many people don’t know how to remove wine stains from the carpet after it has dried, despite how often this happens. No matter how extremely careful you are around carpeted areas in your home, it will be a matter of time when...
Cleaning Tips: How to Clean Glue from Your Carpets
Anyone who has experienced cleaning craft glue from carpet will surely agree that craft glue and carpet are never on the same side. Craft glue can ruin the look, touch, and feel of your carpet as it is sloppy and sticky. Everyone has an addiction for crafts whether you talk about a kid or a...
Cleaning Tips : How to Remove Ink Stain from Carpet?
Removing ink stain can be a challenge in itself. Most often it’s because of the children in a house that create a need for quick ink stain removal, but that doesn’t mean that adults are far from this, they are prone to accidents as well. Talking further, there are various types of ink stains to...
Cleaning Tips: How to Remove Sauce Stain from Carpet
If you have children at your place, you can relate to this problem because you must have probably seen at least one incident of flying spaghetti or pizza. But it is not only about the kids, sometimes the mature adult’s drop food items covered in sauce straight on the carpet. We know we can’t resist...
Cleaning Tips : Keep Your Carpets Safe from Attack of Food Colouring
Food colouring is a type of dye that’s safe to eat. Food companies use it to make their products look attractive and nice. But this attractiveness could make you feel frustrated if you spill some of it accidentally on your carpet. Since it is a dye you need to be quick as much as possible...